Bee Palace

Beepalaces brighten a garden….

June 25th, 2014

There is no doubt that Beepalaces can brighten a garden. And they are effective as well. We have several Beepalaces in use at present. It is mainly red mason bees (osmia rufa) that have made use of them so far this year and we expect leafcutters (from the megachilidae family) to become active later in the year. They are always great to see, lugging their bits of leaf into the nesting tubes.

It is important to ensure your Beepalace is positioned in a sunny south/southwest facing direction to attract the bees. Once they have begun nesting you will usually find that future generations will pick the same spot.

Generally there have been a good number of pollinators in evidence this year with the tree bumblebee phenomenon very present – they appear to be very effective pollinators but you don’t see many other pollinators around when these girls are in town!

We have Beepalaces in blue available now (picture arriving shortly).

We have been talking to some very select retailers who have expressed interest in the Beepalaces – so the Beepalaces may be in the shops before Christmas! A unique gift for someone who has a garden.


Beepalace June 14 DG_250614_6250



Beepalace becomes a home to some solitary bees – a great gift for Father’s Day!

June 5th, 2014

Green beepalace with nesting bees

Red mason bees nest in a green beepalace. The full tubes contain up to 10 larvae making this a home to about 170 solitary bees (it takes approx 250 to pollinate an acre of orchard!)






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